27/11 – 1/12 expo of Romy Streep (Instagram) – Julia Ballardt (Instagram) projection dance performance with Martha Gardner (Instagram) and Nico Verhaegen (Instagram) – Daheng Liu (Instagram) projection art performance

3/12 – 7/12 expo of Xander Faes (Instagram) – Moana Martinho Hortas (Instagram) – Annelies Rasker (Instagram) projection paint performance

9/12 – 13/12 expo of Birthe Janssens (Instagram) projection book – Anke Huntjens (Website)

15/12 – 19/12 expo of Victoria Perez Castillo (Instagram) – Fleur Roggeman (Website) projection: Sound installation by Pippin Music (Instagram) + Othi Berry (Instagram) slam poetry + Nina Muñoz (Instagram) dance performance


Anke Huntjens
Victoria Perez
Fleur Roggeman
Romy Streep
Romy Streep

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