Presenting Xin Liu
"In this series, corn is a symbol of man. I create a lot of corn by manipulating the interior and exterior of it. The corn is not what people expect, but it looks so natural that it makes people think that's how it grows. It's like men. Men often so naturally play a variety of socially expected roles, even sometimes making themselves and others ignore their internal states. However, there are some men who unfortunately fail and are detected. These clues can be found in corn. Watch them carefully!"
Presenting Elise Hoebeke
« L'architecture, c'est la transmutation d'une brique sans valeur en une brique en or. »
- Alain Guiheux, L'ordre de la brique
Elise Hoebeke researches how the brick can act as a connecting element between architecture and jewellery. Her fascination lies both in the standardised dimensions and shape of the stone as well as the way we value the brick. Transmutation d'une brique shows a series of bricks in different stages of 'transmutation' (transition) and thus refers to the body (hand), craft (grinding), gemstones (facets and material) and jewellery (value). The use of fiction and imagination is a metaphor for seeking out new possibilities and escaping imposed standardisation.

Presenting Mariel M Matute
The main idea of this project is to generate self-awareness amongst the teenagers in San Jerónimo de Tunán, a town located in the highlands of the Junín Region in Perú. To make high school students conscious that it is possible to help maintain the cultural background using art and that through art it
is also possible to generate economic income that will benefit the level of their education. For this purpose, a collaboration was made with silver- & goldsmiths of their region called Amautas.
The method of creating the collection is a participative process that had the input of four people from San Jerónimo de Tunán.
The main purpose of this collection is the creation of pieces that symbolize the legacy of the Andean women, using characteristic symbols of Andean folklore from Peru on the one hand and using Inca and contemporary jewelry techniques on the other hand. Both with the support of the Amautas.